On September 25th, The Hawaiian Kids traveled to San Jose, California for our first Crescendo FRC off-season competition. We once again worked with Team 2910, Jack In The Bot, on designing a replication of their in season robot. With this collaboration, our students gain more experiences and learn how to build and program a turret, more conveniently allowing for more possibilities for Autonomous and TeleOp.
We returned back to Bellarmine College Prep, San Jose California as we quickly unpacked our equipment and robot and assembled it. Not long after, we set up the radio for the robot and participated in a few practice matches to test our robot alongside some amazing teams from across the country! We ended the day by preparing for qualifications the next day, ready to compete and face off against some incredible teams.
As qualification matches ended, our team was faced with the daunting possibility of not making it into the play-off matches. Luckily, we joined alliance selection and were invited to join the second seed alliance alongside Team 581: Blazing Bulldogs, Team 1690: Orbit, and Team 1540: Flaming Chickens as the 3rd pick where we soon prepared for play-off matches with our alliance.
Team 359 began qualifications with a tough match, being presented with a challenge as we soon realized that our red side autonomous had wrong pathing, leading us to lose a ranking point. Each match was intense as we fought to score the highest we could despite technical difficulties preventing us from consistently scoring each match. Despite this, we remained resilient and ended qualification matches ranked 29th out of 43 teams with a record of 5-7-0 (Win-Lose-Tie).
Our alliance began play-off matches by facing off against alliance seven, where we unfortunately lost as we moved into the lower brackets in match six against the third seed alliance. After winning the match and ending with a close score, our alliance moved on to play in the ninth match against the fourth seed alliance, where we were unfortunately eliminated.
Despite the loss, our team was able to experience an amazing competition with some incredible competitors and was a great source of learning for our new driver and operator. Replicating a turret robot has greatly increased our knowledge and skills and our students will definitely improve for upcoming off-season tournaments. We are excited to see more teams at our next event and will continue making progress regardless of what challenges await us! Imua Waialua!
Check out our other FRC Competitions!